Customs agent

Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) with centralized dispatch.

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Being a Customs Agent certified as an Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a guarantee of the highest standards of quality, control and security of the customs services that we provide. This means faster and safer inspections in the logistics chain.

We have Centralized Dispatch, so we can offer coverage and look after your goods through any Customs Office of the Peninsula, as well as correspondents in the various ports and international Customs Offices. We have extensive experience in:

  • Special customs legislation
  • International agreements
  • Customs taxation
  • Export incentives
  • Tariff quotas
  • Refunds
  • Appeals or claims

Our services as a Customs Agent include:

  • Import, export and transit clearance.
  • Customs warehouse, non-customs warehousing arrangements and temporary deposit warehouse, in any system.
  • Entries and exits from customs warehouses.
  • Sanitary or veterinary inspections.
  • Procedures of customs systems.
  • Imports or special destinations.
  • Processing of licenses or certificates before official bodies.
  • Tax inspections (consulting and representation).
  • Assistance in physical inspections or post-clearance audits by Customs.
  • Tariff inquiries.

Our services as a Customs Agent include:

  • Import, export and transit clearance.
  • Customs warehouse, non-customs warehousing arrangements and temporary deposit warehouse, in any system.
  • Entries and exits from customs warehouses.
  • Sanitary or veterinary inspections.
  • Procedures of customs systems.
  • Imports or special destinations.
  • Processing of licenses or certificates before official bodies.
  • Tax inspections (consulting and representation).
  • Assistance in physical inspections or post-clearance audits by Customs.
  • Tariff inquiries.